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Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career and Resume Strategist, Top Career Expert_edited_edited.j

Embrace Diversity's Power: Secure Sweta Regmi as Your  Inspiring Speaker for an Unforgettable Event Experience

Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Career Consultant Canada on CBC National News
Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Career Consultant in Canada, interview with global news
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo on CNBC
Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Career Consultant, Guest Speaker in CTV News
Sweta Regmi,Founder & CEO of Teachndo, Career Consultant, Canada featured in Rogers media,
Sweta Regmi Top Career Expert in Canadafeatured on Fox 26 News
Sweta Regmi, Career Expert in Canada featured on LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Top Voice
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert on Forbes
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert  on Wall Street Journal
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert on HuffPost
Featured in Daily Mail News, Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Teachndo, Top Career Expert in
Sweta Regmi, CEO, Founder, TeachndoCareer Consultant in Canada in Financial Post
Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Career Consultant, Teachndo on windsor StarThe_Globe_and_Mai

 Sweta Regmi: Certified Career & Resume Strategist Setting the Stage!

 Keynote Speaker | Media Contributor | Brand Partner | Personal Branding Consultant

Sweta is no ordinary speaker - she's a global career and personal branding authority, a certified career and résumé strategist, and a magnetic force on stage.

 Media Guru 

Sweta's brilliance shines through on Prime Time Top Stories such as CBC National, Global National, CNBC, CTV, City News, Fox News 26, and an array of prestigious media. She's a sought-after speaker and career expert featured in over 100 top media outlets.

Canadian and South Asian Heritage

 Drawing from her dual heritage of Canadian and South Asian cultures, Sweta brings a unique perspective enriched by diverse cultural and leadership influences, positioning her as an ideal candidate for speaking engagements at AAPI, Diversity, and Leadership career events. Her insightful approach resonates deeply with audiences seeking fresh perspectives on career advancement and cultural diversity in the workplace. With her compelling narrative and expertise, Sweta is primed to excel as a keynote speaker and brand ambassador, offering valuable insights and fostering meaningful connections at conferences and through strategic brand partnerships.

Sweta draws on her lived experience from leadership roles at leading companies to offer insights into navigating the workplace. With a strong background in hiring, she provides valuable perspectives on effective leadership and talent management.

Audio and Video Event Master

Sweta has a proven track record of delivering over 100 engaging sessions and hosting events for audiences ranging from intimate gatherings to large-scale events with 2500+ attendees, partnering with leading brands. Collaborating with award-winning journalists, bestselling authors, and thought leaders, she consistently delivers high-quality content that captivates and inspires audiences. With her extensive experience and dynamic presence, Sweta adds immense value to any event, fostering meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impact on attendees.

Hall of Fame

In 2022, 2023, and 2024, Sweta was honored with nominations for the RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur by Women of Influence, solidifying her status as a leading figure in career expertise in Canada. She has been consistently recognized as a Top Career Influencer by numerous prestigious organizations. Additionally, she was featured among the Top 60 creators in Canada and acknowledged as a Career Expert. Her impact reaches far and wide, evident in her bestselling book "21 Resilient Women" on Amazon, which has garnered attention from libraries, ministers, and Members of Parliament across the nation.

Connect with the powerhouse Sweta Regmi to empower your audience. 

  • LinkedIn
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  • YouTube
  • TikTok

This comprehensive list showcases the expertise and versatility Sweta Regmi offers, catering to the diverse needs and interests of your audience. Contact Sweta today to customize a speaking engagement tailored to your organization's specific goals and objectives.

1. Navigating Career Success: The 7 Essential Steps to Career Clarity
2. Crafting Your Personal Brand: Mastering the 7 Steps of Personal Branding
3. Effective Interviewing Framework: Using the CARL Model to Get Hired
4. How to Bounce Back after a Layoff
5. Amplifying AAPI Voices and Support: Strategies to Empower and Advocate for the AAPI Community
6. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB): Essential Principles for Today's Workplace
7. Leveraging LinkedIn for Personal Branding Success
8. Women in Leadership: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Opportunities
9. Empowering Newcomers and Immigrants: Strategies for Success in a New Environment
10. Addressing Hiring Biases: How to Spot Them and Solutions to Overcome Them

Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO , Teachndo, Top Speaker in Canada, Career coach, Personal Branding expert in Canada

Speaking Samples

Sweta Regmi Career Guest Speaker Testimonials

Former Minister & Senator, Director, Professional Services 

Hear from attendees

"I attended both of your sessions for Personal Branding for Underrepresented Career Professionals. I've found enrichment and encouragement in your sessions. I just want to send out my heartfelt message to say how much I appreciate the work that you do." Rina, Report Writer

Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO  Certified Career and Resume  Strategist, Canada with Indeed


Thank you so much again for bringing your expertise to our series! It went really well. Thank you so much for your great partnership on this campaign. 

Sweta Regmi, Speaker, Founder & CEO Teachndo

Well-organized and engaging. Discussions were thought-provoking  with valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the field. Overall, we were impressed with the quality and the commitment.  Her  informative presentation style, make her an excellent choice for any audience.

Guest Speaker, Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Career Consultant, at George Brown College

Sweta, my students were blessed to have you as a speaker. Your insight was very profound and helpful. Thank you for inspiring them! "  

Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Teachndo Guest Speaker at Centennial College

The students thought you were great and of course, I did too. Everything you covered was helpful for my students. It was perfect! 

Guest Speaker, Sweta Regmi Career Expert Canada

Professor,  Humber

Thanks for speaking with our cohort and sharing valuable tips on Canadian Workplace Culture for Business Communications and Career Planning  Your tips will help shape many careers for IEGs. 

Sweta Regmi, Career Expert Canada , Founder & CEO, Teachndo Speaker

Thank you so much for the awesome webinar. You are truly fabulous, and you really know how to engage an audience "  

Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO Teachndo is  nominated for the 31st annual RBC Canadian Women E
Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Certfied Career Strategist, Personal Branding Expert Canada
Sweta Regmi, Career Coach, Top job search expert Canada
Sweta Regmi, Career Expert, Speaker, Amazon Best Seller
Sweta Regmi, CEO, Career Coach,  Awarded my MP in Canada
Sweta Regmi LinkedIn Top Voice in Career
Facilitator Training Certificate
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